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Data Stream from Flight Computer
SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS (flight computer log) Date , Time , Latitude , Longitude , Head, Km/h, …

Successful launch
Today the Descender 1 reached 33,722m, here is the moment the spacecraft began its descent

Slow Scan TV
Michael Petchokvsky, who has been working with us throughout the project on the flight system and other things, has snuck something…
Launch Slated for 16/07/2016
A lull in the jet stream means we will attempt a flight this Saturday from Rankins Springs NSW. Below are Roberts…
NOTAM (notice to Airman)
The notice to airman which informs people flying in the area that our launch will take place C5242/16 NOTAMN…
Launch Site Chosen
The launch will take place from a site in the vicinity of Rankins Springs, a small town in the Riverina…